Our beloved Uncle

Created by Abi 4 years ago

Police Commissioner Emmanuel Adetunji and Mrs. Clara Morinola Kester
The late Police Commissioner Emmanuel Adetunji and the late Mrs. Clara Morinola Kester, parents of our late uncle Dr. Emmanuel Adeyemo Kester were our grandparents. They were also parents of our eighty-nine year old mother, Dame Adeola Aderike Agbontaen. We grew up to know Mama (our mum) had one sibling/brother our Uncle Adeyemo.  
Uncle Adeyemo and Aunty Renate in 1963

Uncle Adeyemo in 1963, Graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Mama was particularly close to her only sibling and brother and he was also her confidant. When uncle first returned from abroad, he came to spend some time in Benin City. We also got acquainted with Oliver and Sebastian, being the only first cousins we have from our maternal family.  
We all have had occasions to visit and stay with Uncle Adeyemo and his family while he was in Lagos Nigeria:   Omoregie while at St Gregory's Lagos in the 1960s;  Isoken while briefly at Holy Child in Lagos also in the late 1960s. Otasowie and Kokunre while at St Anne's School Ibadan in the early 1970s also came to stay with Grandma Kester in Lagos and visited Uncle Adeyemo. Abieyuwa was on National Youth Service in Lagos in the early 1980s also had the opportunity to stay with Granny and visited Uncle Adeyemo. Of course Osazuwa, Omoregie and Osasuyi frequently visited Lagos and were all three in the United Kingdom/Europe and were close to uncle. 
Isoken was quite close to uncle in the past 20years and while in the UK. Anytime anyone of us visited the UK, she made sure we spoke to uncle on phone or arranged a visit. Isokenwas always welcomed to the home of uncle Adeyemo and aunt Ingrid. Uncle and aunt Ingrid also spent time with Abieyuwa in South Africa and they all  had a nice time. Uncle was overjoyed, and happily shared the good news when he became a grandfather for the first time with the birth ofSebastian's daughter. 
Mama was concerned about her brother's eyesight and health for some time. She fondly spoke of him regularly. Even a few days before his home call, Mama spoke of her only brother with fond memories of when they were growing up. It was such a painful experience to tell her the sad news of her only brother's death..
We thank God for the life he lived. We thank God for his family and our cousins Oliver and Sebastian. We also commiserate with aunty Ingrid who was uncle Adeyemopartner and took care of for the past twenty years.
May his truly gentle soul rest in peace.
His nephews and nieces, the Agbontaens of Benin City Nigeria.
Children of Dame Adeola Agbontaen.
